WP2 - Multiple Stressors

Evaluation of recreational use in a multiple-stressor-context

Consideration of recreational use as an environmentally relevant activity in a German-wide analysis of the effect of multiple pressures on the ecological status according to the WFD (EU Water Framework Directive) and on the effect of multiple pressures on selected FFH species (FFH Habitat directive on Flora and Fauna; made possible for the first time by the large-scale quantification of leisure use in WP1, leisure use as an explanatory variable in statistical models).

WP 2.1: Effect of multiple pressures - including pressures from recreational uses - on the ecological status according to the WFD and selected FFH species

WP 2.2: Comparison of the effects of multiple pressures on ecological status and recreational use

About current WP 2

Sampling from the 4th septembre 2019 on the Diemel on exit Helmarhausen ( Photos: R. Rust)